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How Will I Know If Ketamine Could Help Me?

How Will I Know If Ketamine Could Help Me?

Ketamine is a proven, effective treatment for depression and other conditions. It is often recommended for people who suffer from “treatment resistant depression”. This occurs when people have tried two or more medications, without success, in an effort to rid themselves of this crippling illness. Here at Ketamine Wellness Centers, we have also found many people with depression seeking Ketamine in order to stop taking other medications which often have unwanted, unpleasant side-effects. But how do you know if the treatment is right for you?

Consider the following factors:

  1. Length of time: The longer someone has suffered from depression, the LESS likely traditional treatments will help, and the need for an alternative approach increases. In other words, the longer you have suffered, the more you need to consider Ketamine treatments. Consider in particular that research shows the longer your depression has lasted, the more atrophy, or damage occurs in areas of the brain that control emotions. Ketamine is known to repair cells in this region of the brain.
  2. Intensity: Has your depression been relatively mild, or has it overwhelmed you and your life? Severe depression requires drugs that directly impact the cells in the brain. Ketamine provides that assistance, whereas traditional medications work on the brain chemicals, not directly on the brain cells or neurons themselves.
  3. Chronic feelings of sadness and emptiness: Even when you are not severely depressed, are you plagued by melancholy or dysthymia? This is a low-level chronic feeling of sadness.
  4. Lack of improvement: Tired of waiting a month or more to see if a treatment even works? Ketamine provides an almost immediate feedback on efficacy. No more waiting weeks or months for relief. Ketamine starts to work within that first week of treatment!
  5. Other difficulties: Have you been diagnosed with a personality disorder or anxiety condition? That is more likely to mean you need something more than typical antidepressant medications or treatment. Ketamine can help. At Ketamine Wellness Centers, we offer a more comprehensive approach, and have mental health professionals who can assist you in any additional services (counseling, psychotherapy, etc.) you might require. If we are unable to provide the service, we will assist in finding you a local provider or program that can fill the gap.
  6. Age: The unfortunate reality is the older we get, the more difficult it is to rid yourself of the depression. There is no time like the present to get started on finding out whether Ketamine is right for you.

If any or all of these apply to you, consider doing yourself a favor. Call Ketamine Wellness Centers at 855-KET-WELL and talk to our professional staff about a psychological evaluation/screening to see if Ketamine is right for you.

Dr. Ellen Diamond is a Clinical Psychologist for Ketamine Wellness Centers, Inc.

How Will I Know If Ketamine Could Help Me?

How Will I Know If Ketamine Could Help Me?