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Ketamine Wellness Centers Living Today Blog

Living Today

We are inundated with advice and advertisements telling us to plan for the future, and save for retirement. There is certainly truth and validity to this, but it is also necessary to have a life that works for you today. So how do you make a life that works?

Let’s start with the reality of a 24 hour day. It is the great equalizer. We all have the same 24 hours in every day. The only difference is how we choose to use our time. Most of us live in the real world. That means many of our choices are not truly optional” or a “choice” alone. Much of our 24 hours is taken up by things we MUST do (sleep, eat, work for many). There may be others (children, parents) who require our time and attention as well.

Ketamine Wellness Centers Living Today Blog

We all have commitments and massive to-do lists. Just make sure you appear on your own to-do list. Remember: Self Care is not Selfish! Whether you have hours or minutes to  focus on yourself, develop some strategies to nurture yourself or manage your own stress. A key issue with managing your time is living intentionally. That means you set yourself daily goals. You may not meet all of them fully, but you go about with a plan.

For example, if you want to live healthier, start with planning a healthy breakfast.  Don’t just go into the kitchen and mindlessly start grabbing anything. That usually leads to unhealthy choices.  Instead, plan the day before what you will eat in the morning.

In fact, you can “preplan” much of your day, in an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. You may not always succeed, or stick to a plan without deviation, but living with a plan, or intention, helps you establish some healthy habits. This is especially true when it comes to eating (meal planning) and exercise/relaxation time.

It has long been believed that one of the benefits of Ketamine is to create new connections in the brain. New connections may offer the opportunity to create new thinking habits in your life. If you are having trouble establishing new and healthier habits in your life, consider calling Ketamine Wellness Centers. We are unique in that we can offer your strategies to truly change your life.  Combine ketamine treatments with counseling or coaching to help you implement and establish healthier habits with your ketamine treatments to offer long term relief from your depressive symptoms.

Call us today and learn to live your life with healthy habits and intention to better yourself.  You deserve it!

Dr. Ellen Diamond is the Clinical Psychologist for Ketamine Wellness Centers

Ketamine Wellness Centers Living Today Blog

Living Today